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When Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin in 2009, it was predicted that cryptocurrency was going to be the future of money, although most critics never believed that prediction but today cryptocurrency is gaining lots of grounds with over 250 billion dollars in market capitalization; this was achieved in just 9 years, you can imagine what will happen to this industry in the next few years as more persons and industries begin to adopt digital currency.

There is a great need for secure multi-currency wallets where cryptocurrency asset holders can keep their assets without fear of losing it to cyber criminals and also a secure exchange platform where asset holders can exchange or trade their crypto asset for another crypto asset. Although there are existing crypto asset wallets and exchanges but research has shown that they are all plagued with security challenges and as such, a secure platform is highly needed and that is where the ATOMIC SWAPS WALLET comes in. Let’s quickly look at the challenges plaguing the existing platforms; I believe that will enable us to appreciate the solution provided by the ATOMIC SWAPS WALLET.
There is no doubt that there are lots of crypto asset wallets and exchanges on ground and a lot are popping up daily but the question is how many of them has being able to solve the security challenges faced by cryptocurrency asset holders.
It is on record that lots of crypto asset holders have lost thousands of dollars to hackers on most of the crypto asset wallets and exchanges that has been before now and those that still exist. About 368 million USD crypto asset holder’s funds in Mt.Gox exchange platform was lost to hackers in 2014 due to the porosity of the platform. Same year, four other exchange platforms got hacked and investors’ money totaling about 3 million dollars was also lost.
This act has continued since 2014 till August 2017, which was when about 1500 worth of BTC was stolen from Enigma platform. This calls for a more sophisticated platform as it regards the security of the assets of its users and this was what led the ATOMIC SWAPS wallet team to design this platform to help solve this security issue that has plagued the crypto asset wallet and exchanges once and for all. Let’s quickly look at what the ATOMIC SWAPS WALLET is all about and how it plans to help solve this crypto asset security challenge.
The ATOMIC SWAP WALLET is a decentralized multi-asset wallet integrated with a cross chain atomic swap exchange. This wallet is designed to support more than 300 coins and tokens and it also gives you the privilege of managing your crypto portfolio in a single smooth interface.
To the best of my knowledge the ATOMIC SWAP WALLET will be the most secure crypto asset wallet and exchange platform globally. On the existing crypto asset wallet and exchange platforms, once your private key enters a wrong hand, your assets will be gone in no distant time; the challenge is most times, since the private key is so important, a lot of crypto asset holders end up saving their private key in dropbox, google drive and platforms like that. You and I know that those platforms are porous and once hackers have access to private key through those platforms, you will end up losing all you have worked for.
To solve that problem, the ATOMIC SWAP WALLET has made it possible for users to store their private keys in a securely encrypted environment where it will be impossible for hackers to have access to. Also the platform is highly secure from external attacks thereby making your assets on the platform safe and secure.
As a cryptocurrency investor, ATOMIC SWAPS WALLET is an answered prayer and am already partnering with the project via its ICO. Get onboard via partnering with the project via its ICO and you be glad you did. You can get more information from the links below:
Bitcointalk username: Sorento
Bitcointalk profile URL:;u=1910177


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