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Have you ever asked yourself why the cost of delivery is as high as it is today? The reason is simply because the logistic businesses have to pay the drivers of the delivery trucks, cars or whatever means they choose to run the delivery.
Today, I will be presenting to you an ICO project that is designed to make cargo delivery cost effective, transparent, secure and also efficient. Permit me to do this review on a project I consider as the future of unmanned cargo delivery; the SKYFCHAIN project.
Research has shown that by 2023, the global logistics industry will hit 15.5 trillion dollars in capitalization; this make the logistics industry a very profitable one. The blockchain technology on the other hand has proven to be the most important technology of the 21st century because of its ability to make industries and businesses cost effective, secure, transparent and cost effective.
An integration of the blockchain technology, AI and robotics into the logistics industry will go a long way in making the industry trustless and efficient and this is where the SKYFCHAIN technology comes in. The present day logistics industry are faced with lots of challenges which we will be looking into shortly before we look at how SKYFCHAIN plans to solve those challenges seamlessly.
In this part of the world where I reside, one of the major businesses done here is importation due to the fact that nothing is being produced here. The cost of getting goods down from USA, Europe and other parts of the world to my country home is quite high and as such affects the prices of goods in the market. Will one blame the logistics industry for the high cost of delivery those goods? No!! they have to pay their workers and this has to reflect on the cost of delivery.
Research has shown that about 50% of the cost in logistics is in labor and this has to reflect in the cost of delivery of goods and also the price of goods in the market. This is a major challenge in the logistics industry and the only solution to this challenge is unmanned cargo robots in air, at the sea and on ground because it has been proven through research that this can help in drastic reduction of cost of logistics globally and also help in increased security, transparency and efficiency for all industrial users and end customers also.
The only challenge to this solution is that the present day airborne drones is that it only exists in form of feasibility studies carried out by startups or big companies and this is due to the fact that its regulations in some countries, cost of insurance and lack of stable credit is not favorable for it to thrive and this is where the solution provided by the SKYFCHAIN project is second to none.
The SKYFCHAIN OP is a blockchain based business to robots operating platform designed by a team of professionals with several years of experience in drone development, business management, research and development, blockchain technology, AI and robotics. This is actually the first business to robots (B2R) blockchain based platform that can be applied in all sector of the cargo robotics industry.
SKYFCHAIN will help in increasing the overall affordability of goods and services globally because its operation will help in cutting of costs in global supply chain and also bring about profitability of business opportunities for the transportation business and all its industrial participants.
Since the system is integrated with the blockchain technology with inbuilt smart contracts, the system is bound to be secure and transparent. The SKYFT token will be used for all transactions on the SKYFCHAIN OPERATION PLATFORM.
The future of logistics lies on the shoulders of unmanned cargo robots and the future of unmanned cargo robots lies with the SKYFCHAIN OPERATION PLATFORM. A partnership with the SKYFCHAIN OP is partnership with the future of the logistics industry.
Be a part fo this future by joining the SKYFCHAIN ICO which is presently ongoing before it’s too late. The links below contains some power information concerning the SKYCHAIN project; they will help you in your decision making!
Official Website:
Author’s Details
Bitcointalk Username: Sorento
Bitcointalk profile URL:;u=1910177


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