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Data if you ask me is a part of our everyday lives, every information we accumulate can be accustomed to data, securing our data not just from theft but from lose has been a challenged for far too long and today memority is the solution we seek.
Losing data to theft or via mere deleting can be frustrating, that I can attest to. About a week ago while I and my colleague were working and putting down a lengthy report, after almost rounding up he mistakenly deleted the document and that was it, it couldn’t be found anywhere in the system so he had to do the job all over again, saying he was frustrated was an understatement lol, I could see it written all over him. I know many of you out there have experienced the same or had similar experiences, so you would agree with me that MEMORITY will be of great value.
The blockchain as we know it, although we have seen crypto trading platforms being hacked, it doesn’t change the fact that the blockchain industry provides the most secure form of transaction or storage today.
Am sure from the name you could tell where the concept was gotten from, MEMORITY is a platform built on the blockchain for the sole purpose of safely securing our data from theft and from our own carelessness.
Below are some of the problems or challenges associated with today’s means of storage.
  • Unreliability: the storage mediums which exists today such as the hard disks and others are unreliable and inefficient and centralized
  • Insecurity: saving on your hard disks or company’s server has been known from time to time to have been lost or stolen.
  • Inconvenience: the process involved in saving data today is sometimes tedious and inconvenient for users.
The blockchain is known to be able to keep data encrypted and only made accessible through private keys or mnemonic phrases; MEMORITY is tapping into that encryption in its quest in providing users with a secure means by wish data can be rightly protected, not to mention the fact that blockchain storage capacity is long term.
With MEMORITY, users will be able to protect their data from the following
  • Modification
  • Deletion
  • Unpermitted viewing
MEMORITY is a blockchain based platform which facilitates encryption on a decentralized cloud, MEMORITY will be a self-sufficient network, which will meet the needs of businesses and organizational sectors and lots more.
MEMORITY will be distributing stored data to various independent systems in their network which have provided a portion of their hard disk memory for file storage, MEMORITY will duplicate every data stored with them into 10 different copies and will be shared abroad the various systems in their network.
The method for payment on the MEMORITY platform will be through a token known as MMR Token, Hosts who provide memory for storage will be rewarded with the 90% of the token paid by clients and it will be distributed between all 10 hosts.
With MEMORITY, users can now save data on a decentralized platform void of potential theft and loss unlike dropbox, google drive and other storage platforms which are all centralized and prone to attack.
MEMORITY is still in its ICO season and will be ending very soon, so get on board now while ICO lasts. For further inquiries please visit the links below:
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Bitcointalk Username: kelvinkent
Bitcointalk profile URL:;u=2313436


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