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Services involves transaction between a buyer and seller without exchange of any physical good, here the buyer gets to benefit from the service rendered by the seller. Examples of services include: plumbing services in form of repair of water pipes, electrical repair services and so on. These services do not involve a physical product.
Different services play important roles in the development of an individual’s life, services from hair cut, manicure and even medical treatments administered by doctors play a vital role in the continuity of an individual’s life.
This need for services has led to the establishment of various businesses with the sole aim of providing a variety of services to the public. Trends in technology have led customers to use the internet platform as a medium to procure these services.
According to stats, 68% of consumers who use the online platform for purchasing products intend to continue to use the internet as a medium for ordering services and products.
Therefore, consumers need an online platform where they can easily get access to a wide variety of quality service providers faster and efficiently. This need is as a result of the failure of existing platforms in providing these services.
Freldo, a social network platform aims to connect users with quality service providers based on proximity, this will be made possible by utilizing blockchain technology.
Consumers were faced with the following problem as a result of the failure of existing online service platform in providing fast and efficient services, some of which include:
  • Existing online service platform did not give enough presentation on the services they provided, this poor presentation of their services did not give information on the quality of their service.
  • Customers feedback on services provided by this platform where not considered, only what suits the service provider is taken into consideration.
  • Existing platforms did not have the technology to provide services to consumers based on proximity. Therefore service provided often took time, as customers had to wait long before a service provider arrives.
  • Many online service platform required prepayment for services and do not provide any form of guarantee which discouraged consumers who feared for loss of money without getting any service.
The Freldo platform, using the following strategies aims to provide solution to the problems consumers faced with service providers, which include:
  • Freldo aims to provide quality services to its users based on proximity by utilizing blockchain technology, it brings buyers and seller to the same page. This will make service delivery faster and efficient.
  • On the Freldo platform users are not required prepayment for services, payment is made using FRECN after service has been rendered by the service provider therefore increasing trust between both parties.
  • Service providers are required to provide a well detailed description of their services which gives users information on the quality of the service provided.
  • The Freldo platform is a social network platform where users can ask their friends based on experience on the quality of services provided by a particular service provider.
  • Freldo even allows consumer earn FRECN (freldocoin) for engaging service providers on the platform.
Final Thought
Freldo aims to bring service providers and consumers closer so as to build up trust and delivery of quality service by utilizing blockchain technology in achieving this goal.
Get the best of service delivery by making the Freldo decision. Be part of this great innovation by joining the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) which is presently ongoing. Visit the essential links below for more information:
My BitcoinTalk profile link:;u=1910177


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