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Global warming accounts for one of the major source of concern for the continual existence of our world with rising alarms of the devastating impact on our atmosphere, regulations among various countries of the world have been enacted to curtail the menace of global warming. As a result, greener solutions most especially energy generation have been encouraged as a substitute to combustion engines that operate using fossil fuels which in turn release toxic carbons into the atmosphere, thus depleting the ozone layer and subsequently result in global warming. The world is growing to a future driven by technology, human population is increasing in a geometric rate and so is the need for devices like smartphones, cars and other technological gadgets. More and more cities and towns evolved due to this growing population and in a bid to meet various appointments cars, buses are needed to convey people from one point to another. This growth is no doubt accompanied with an increase in the
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The growing popularity in cryptocurrencies as accounted for the adoption of blockchain for making payments, withdrawal, transfer. Blockchain has therefore seen an increased adoption by businesses, bringing the light of inovaton and disruption to their existing models, providing a great potential for growth. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain also ushered in the creation of trading platforms and exchanges saddled with the responsibility of providing services ranging from crypto trading, asset management, advice and so on. The world of cryptocurrencies provide a viable growth potential for experienced investors and novices opening them to huge opportunities of making profit on crypto trading. These crypto exchanges have been inefficient, as they cannot be relied on in minimizing losses during crypto trading as most of them are faced with shortcomings that reduces the quality of crypto trading resulting in huge losses. CHALLENGES FACED BY EXISTING CRYPTO EXCHANGES The following challenge


The financial ease in which banking services have brought to reality since its inception was what made it sorted after. Not having to carrying fiat currency about while trying to seal a business deal is all as a result of the banking system. However the due to the centralized nature of the traditional banking system and the various limitations which the industry placed on users, the first blockchain and cryptocurrency was made to fix these challenges which had impaled both user transaction and the economic growth as a whole. The blockchain soon gained popularity after its inception, and many other coin were born. The technology (blockchain) which was behind the invention of cryptocurrency was then discovered to be a disruptive system with the capability to transform any industry, financial or not, and it opened up a whole new world were every industry now wants to make use of this powerful technology. Although cryptocurrency and blockchain decentralized the existing financial ind


Cyber security is a very paramount issue of concern for many users of the online space. Increasingly, over the years the need for tamper proof security solutions by online users against cyber hackers and fraudsters is quite alarming. These hackers of fraudsters have become so experienced in breaking security walls of various security solutions as a result of the inefficiencies and shortcoming of various security solutions provided by different platforms. Data, especially personal is required to be kept private out of the reach of third party manipulation as they can be detrimental to the image of such holder in the wrong hands while for businesses can lead to their eventual shutdown. The internet has brought many advantages, as people can now buy and sell online, advertise and many more. As a result of the open flow of information on the internet it has made its users vulnerable to cyber hacking. Therefore, in a bid to curtail the menace of hacks and frauds to private data users h


Since the creation of the bitcoins blockchain which was set to decentralize the financial market, many other distributed ledgers such as the Ethereum blockchain and others have been made. The blockchain was founded out of the need for the decentralization of the financial market and it has probably been more success than anyone hoped it would be today. Blockchain has gotten so much popularity and use cases to the extent that major cooperation’s and platforms such as IBM, MICROSOFT and others are now looking for means to adopt the tech and even build of their own. However, with recent reports and findings, the existing blockchains have begun to suffer from certain challenges. CHALLENGES FACING BLOCKCHAINS Listed below are some of the challenges which have begun to inflict the industry: Privacy: the need for financial privacy is very high which was one of the reasons the blockchain was invented in the first place, because the traditional banking system could not make provision


Since the creation of the bitcoins blockchain which was set to decentralize the financial market, many other distributed ledgers such as the Ethereum blockchain and others have been made. The blockchain was founded out of the need for the decentralization of the financial market and it has probably been more success than anyone hoped it would be today. Blockchain has gotten so much popularity and use cases to the extent that major cooperation’s and platforms such as IBM, MICROSOFT and others are now looking for means to adopt the tech and even build of their own. However, with recent reports and findings, the existing blockchains have begun to suffer from certain challenges. CHALLENGES FACING BLOCKCHAINS Listed below are some of the challenges which have begun to inflict the industry: Privacy: the need for financial privacy is very high which was one of the reasons the blockchain was invented in the first place, because the traditional banking system could not make provision


Individuals who trade online knows the frustration of losing money via trading platforms. Right from the breakthrough of blockchain technology, a lot seems to have change. With a secured means, people will be able to record data, store and make transactions which has been easier for some years. Professional traders, especially want to help people who don’t know how to trade cryptocurrency. People in the local region of the Middle East that speaks Arabic language will be able to participate because they will be taught by professionals how to trade by speaking their language and teaching them how to use this platform. Also it will be a great source where you can trade cryptocurrency exchange. Having partner with great expert, the issue of lack of inconsistency in trading cryptocurrency exchange will be solved. The main focus of this platform also is to promote coin offering which will help customer in exchange.   THE PLATFORM How do you think all this can be possible? I present